Monday, December 28, 2009

Conference in Gujrat (India)

After my participation in the first international conference held in Haifa (Israel), as a part of my plan for 2009/10, I was searching for another one. The hunt however was not meant for mere second participation - I was also implementing the insight from the conference along with my desire to present paper in another conference.

The formative days for the conference began with my correspondence with Dr. Atanu Bhattacharya, a reader in H. M. Patel Institute, Gujrat. I found his response very quick and always constructive.

For Conference Detail, please visit

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प्रेतात्मा र भोजन

आएर आत्मामाझ घरी घरी प्रेतात्माले श्राद्द गरेपछि आत्मा प्रेतात्मा बन्न के बेर !   खाएर भोजन तृप्त हुने गरी पिन्ड खान अर्कै लोक झरे पनि भोजन...