Friday, March 13, 2009

Virtual Diasporas: Identity Construction in Cyberspace

This paper examines lately developed phenomena of virtual space; more particularly it concentrates on cyberspace. In other words, it offers some preliminary thoughts and observations on (self) representation in cyberspace and makes an attempt to reveal their contemporary sociological importance. The hypothesis is cyberspace is one of the most powerful alternatives as social loci for the construction of the identities. Hence, the pragmatics of the study is to help my readers understand the significance of virtual space and to inspire them for the use of such spaces in the late modernity.

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प्रेतात्मा र भोजन

आएर आत्मामाझ घरी घरी प्रेतात्माले श्राद्द गरेपछि आत्मा प्रेतात्मा बन्न के बेर !   खाएर भोजन तृप्त हुने गरी पिन्ड खान अर्कै लोक झरे पनि भोजन...