Saturday, June 22, 2013

Trauma of Maoist Insurgency in Literature

Ten years of Maoist insurgency in Nepal, launched by Communist Party of Nepal-Maoist (CPN-M) from February 1996 to November 2006, has inflicted some horrendous cases of traumatic experience. In statistical terms, around 17,000 were killed, 1500 disappeared, 75,000 injured and 250,000 internally displaced. The reality not acknowledged by the numeral above sounds equally horrible: countless people were tortured, raped,abducted and physically brutalized. Simply, it means the period has punctuated memory of a large number of people and become the subject of fairly substantial body of writing. The writings reveal variety in both the subject matter and the perspectives: a number of accounts record views of combatants/security forces; many other present reporting of media correspondents and a considerable number provide findings of researchers. In brief, the texts that ground on insurgency vary from analytical accounts to narrative representations. 

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प्रेतात्मा र भोजन

आएर आत्मामाझ घरी घरी प्रेतात्माले श्राद्द गरेपछि आत्मा प्रेतात्मा बन्न के बेर !   खाएर भोजन तृप्त हुने गरी पिन्ड खान अर्कै लोक झरे पनि भोजन...