Monday, November 26, 2007

Why I disaffiliated from agitation?

The agitation that had started with the demand for right to organize gradually invited people of various interest. 

A group of eight people who were actively engaged in agitation agreed that the direction of the movement started derailing. 

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Agitation in the University

Not many years had passed since I joined the University when a group of people raised question about the absence of democractic practice in the institution. Basic demand in the initial days was the right to form an organization. 

Thursday, July 26, 2007

प्रेतात्मा र भोजन

आएर आत्मामाझ घरी घरी प्रेतात्माले श्राद्द गरेपछि आत्मा प्रेतात्मा बन्न के बेर !   खाएर भोजन तृप्त हुने गरी पिन्ड खान अर्कै लोक झरे पनि भोजन...